Flexible Factory Project (FFPJ) has been conducted since 2015, with National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) and collaborative companies. Wireless communication networks are promising for a flexible factory where frequent reconfiguration occurs, whereas communication quality and reliability are the issues for their utilization. We are trying to clarify problems with the use of wireless communication technology in manufacturing sites and drive enlightenment activities how to stabilize operation of manufacturing systems using wireless communication technologies through FFPJ. In this tutorial, Dr. Itaya will introduce our activities as FFPJ, and Dr. Hasegawa will show several examples of experiments in the active factories. And finally, Mr. Yamada will explain our enlightenment activities.
Dr. Satoko Itaya, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Dr. Satoko Itaya received the Ph.D degree from Nara Women’s University in 2002, and joined Advanced Telecommunications Research Laboratory Institute International (ATR) from 2002 to 2007. She worked in NEC Central Research Laboratories from2008 to 2013.In ATR, she was engaged in stable operation of wireless ad hoc/multi-hop networks. In NEC, she was engaged in big data analysis, resource management, and the design of control methods for Smart Cities and Smart Buildings. Since 2014 she is a senior researcher of NICT, and working on wireless technology for manufacturing sites. Currently, she is a Research Manager of NICT and a Vice -Chairperson of Flexible Factory Partner Alliance.
Mr. Ryota Yamada, OMRON Corporation

Mr. Ryota Yamada received the Master of Engineering degree from Nagoya Institute of Technology and joined OMRON Corporation in 2002. He worked on research and development on (1) socially intelligent agent technology based on the theory of Media Equation, (2) software platform for online communication based on a virtual environment and (3) wireless sensor network system based on several wireless communication technologies including Wi-Fi and Wi-SUN. He also worked on open innovation and now he is working on assesment of technology for strategy development. He was a visiting researcher of Media-X at Stanford University between 2003 and 2006. He is an alternate member of Board of Directors in Wi-SUN Alliance since 2012 and cooperative visiting researcher of National Institute of Information and Communication Technology in Japan since 2015.
Dr. Jun Hasegawa, Fujitsu

Dr. Jun Hasegawa received the Ph.D degree from Okayama Prefectural University in 2010. In 2002, he joined Fujitsu Kansai-Chubu Net-Tech Limited. he has been with Advanced Telecommunications Research Laboratory Institute International (ATR) from 2003 to 2010. Since 2015 he is cooperative visiting researcher of NICT, and working on wireless technology for manufacturing sites. Currently, he is a Senior Architect of Fujitsu Limited, and working on 5G core network systems