The Internet of Things (IoT) will be increasingly pervasive in the near future, being supported by emerging technologies such as 5G/6G wireless networks that simplify its deployment, and AI techniques that deal with data processing at scale. The enormous amount of data that IoT devices produce will likely be managed and processed by distributed applications using a microservice architectural model, whose component services can be dynamically deployed across fog, edge, and cloud resources. There are many services that make up the processing pipeline of an IoT application, including federated data integration systems based on international standards (such as oneM2M, NGSI, NGSI-LD, etc.), spatial/temporal databases, data/event distribution platforms and protocols, monitoring/tracking systems, etc. And these services are expected to run in lightweight virtualization sandboxes, such as containers, whose orchestration across a set of distributed and heterogeneous servers of a fog/edge/cloud continuum requires challenging multi-cluster solutions. In this scenario, whose main players are cloud and IoT, the goals of this workshop are to create a forum for researchers and practitioners to present innovative cloud-native distributed IoT applications as well as specific services, platforms, and supporting cloud/network technologies for IoT.
The workshop fosters researchers and stakeholders to share innovative ideas on cloud and IoT by presenting practical experiences in developing cloud-native IoT applications related to emerging vertical domains, such as: smart-city, eHealth, autonomous driving, surveillance, etc. In addition, it is of interest to present specific services composing cloud-native IoT applications (federated integration platforms, databases, pub/sub systems, etc.), orchestration of multi-cluster platforms for macro and micro datacenters, intra- and inter-cluster network protocols, virtualization technologies, security frameworks, etc.
The workshop topic includes but are not limited to:
- Cloud-native IoT applications
- Fog/Edge/Cloud orchestration platforms for IoT applications
- IoT virtualization technologies
- Sensing-as-a-Service
- Distributed/Federated data integration platforms
- Networking solutions for cloud-native applications
- Distributed learning platform for IoT applications
- Distributed monitoring and tracing of IoT services
- 5G/6G cloud-native architectural extensions/exploitations for IoT applications
- Performance evaluation and benchmarking of existing cloud solutions and services for IoT applications
Important Dates:
- Paper submission:
13 June 2022August 1st, 2022 - Acceptance Notification:
8 July 2022August 16th, 2022 - Camera-Ready Paper Submission Deadline:
31 July 2022August 31st, 2022
Paper should be six (6) pages in length. The conference allows up to two additional pages for a maximum length of eight (8) pages with payment of extra page charges once the paper has been accepted.
Once the paper you submitted has been reviewed and accepted you will be notified about uploading a final version of the paper for publication in the Proceedings and IEEE Xplore.
Dr. Andrea Detti, Professor, University of Rome, Italy
Prof Andrea Detti (PhD) is a professor of the Department of Electronic Engineering of the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”. His teaching subjects are Mobile Wireless Networks and Cloud Computing. His research activity spans different topics in the area of computer networks and copes with framework design, analytical modelling, performance evaluation through simulation and test-bed. He is co-author of more than 80 papers on journals and conference proceedings, mainly regarding information-centric, software-defined, overlay, wireless, and optical networks. Currently is the research area is focused on Information-Centric-Network (ICN), Cloud Computing, Software Defined Networks (SDN). He is associate editor of IEEE Transaction on Network and Service Management. He has been guest editor of two special issues about Information-Centric-Networking for Elsevier Computer Network and Journal of Internet Technology. He served as a reviewer of numerous journals and conferences (mainly ACM, IEEE, Elsevier).
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Andrea: